What is Lock Snapping & 3 Easy Steps on How to Stop It
An intruder can apply multiple techniques to break into your home and one of the most common techniques used is lock snapping.
It’s a method by which home invaders snap the cylinder lock in two with the application of a certain amount of force.
The snapping of the cylinder exposes the mechanism in the lock enabling the intruder to tamper with it. This can happen in homes and vehicles especially van locks. Lock snapping is often the method applied by intruders to unlock a door and gain entry into private properties.
The technique does not require any particular skill, just the application of brute force with the help of tools such as hammers or screwdrivers.
Locks having a euro cylinder profile which extend further than 3mm of the handle are the ones which have a high risk of being snapped.
Euro cylinders are frequently found in PVC doors and are extremely susceptible to being snapped.
If you think or are unsure you have euro cylinders in your doors please get in touch with a Locktec your expert locksmiths Dublin. They can install more secure locks and take away your old euro cylinders.
How Do You Stop Lock Snapping & Secure Your Home?
A number of modern lock manufacturers have come out with anti-snap cylinders, which can be used to upgrade your door lock.
These contemporary anti-snap cylinders have a ‘snap-off’ segment incorporated into the lock which comes off when a burglar tries to snap the lock, making the cylinder shorter, therefore making it extremely difficult for an intruder to gain entry into your home.
3 Steps How to Stop Lock Snapping
We recommend that you keep the following things in mind while upgrading your lock:
STEP 1: Make sure that you select a cylinder lock with a 3-star rating under TS007 and/or the Sold Secure Diamond Standard (SS312). These are the two are nationally recognised standards for cylinders.
Euro cylinders are evaluated with star ratings from one to three stars. This rating system classifies the level of protection provided by each kind of lock.
STEP 2: The cylinder lock needs to be accurately measured to make sure that it’s the right size for the door on which it’s being fitted. Ideally it should not be jutting out from the door or the handle.
STEP 3: If required then the door handle should be replaced with one that has a 2-star rating under TS007.
Always take the aid of a PSA qualified locksmith while installing a new door locks.
It’s a task which requires special expertise and by attempting it yourself, you will run the risk of it not getting properly fitted, exposing your home to intruders and outside threats.